Helping Businesses One At A Time

We don't offer ads like every other agency does, we offer something more traditional and simpler

1.2 million businesses use this software to help grow their business

We are offering this software because we want your business to grow


We will bring you to the next level of growing your business.


Scope Our Services



When a customer sets up an appointment, a text will be sent to them and you reminding both of you that you both have appointments. It will tell you all the customers information and continue reminding the customer so they don't forget.


Google Reviews

Google reviews are needed to grow a business. After their appointment, a text will be sent to them asking for a review. If it is a bad review it will be archived for you to read. If it is a 4-5 star review then it will be posted to google for your business.



The software will send automated sms/emails depending on your needs for your business. Google reviews, appointment reminders, letting the customer know you are busy.

If you have any questions about anything else it can do, you can shoot me a message and ill answer.


We will build you a free website and buy the domain for you. This will all be included in the price. It will not cost you $500, $1000, $1500 just to build it for you. We believe in building long-term clients not short term bitter clients.

An Overview App

We will give you an app that will be able to see what is happening between the software and your customers. You can text through the app, send emails, and look at your reviews good or bad on the app.

Business Number

We offer a business number so you don't have too give out your personal number to random strangers. This number will be used in the app we mentioned before.

Wanna Call?

Set Up A 1-1 Call To Further Discuss

Any Questions/Concerns You Might Have

All Calls Are FREE! And We Can Offer A 33% DISCOUNT If YOU BOOK THE CALL!

Call 623-230-9377

Email: smjbusinessemail@gmail.com

Site: gtmedia.social

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